pp108 : DebugProcess Method Elements

DebugProcess Method Elements

This topic describes the elements in the DebugProcess method.

The syntax of the
DebugProcess method is as follows:

<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
        <DebugProcess xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/1.0/coboc">
         [Parameters sent to the instance of the process]

The following table describes the elements in the
DebugProcess method.
Table 1. DebugProcess Method Elements




Provide the path and name of the process that is to be debugged. However, if the debug has already been initiated, subsequent debugs are done using the process instance ID.


Provide one of the following values:

  • definition: If the process is being debugged for the first time.
  • instance: If the process instance is being debugged. In this case, the receiver element holds the process instance ID.


Specify the mode in which you want to debug a process:

  • Step-by-Step: If you want to debug the process in a step-by-step mode. In this mode, the Process Debugger stops at each activity.
    Note: For the step-by-step mode to work properly, it is recommended that you do not specify breakpoints. If you do, the Process Debugger will override the step-by-step mode and stop at the next breakpoint
  • Continuous: If you want to debug the process till any of the following occurs:
    • The process is completely debugged
    • The process is waiting for a message
    • An unhandled error is thrown during the implementation


The ID of the activity. The Process Debugger stops when it encounters the specified ID. You can also have multiple breakpoints by specifying multiple <breakpoint> elements. The Process Debugger supports the following activity types to be specified as breakpoints:

  • Action
  • Assign
  • Switch
  • For Each
  • While
  • Until


This element is used while debugging web-based applications using the Process Debugger. Specify the activityId in the response from the application, when the control returns to the Process Debugger.


Provide one of the following values:

  • TRUE: If you want to execute the SOAP application and send the SOAP request to it.
  • FALSE: If you want to send the SOAP request to the Process Debugger interface instead of executing the SOAP application.


Provide one of the following values:

  • TRUE: To send the notification to the participant in real-time.
  • FALSE: To send the SOAP request to the Process Debugger interface.


Provide one of the following values:

  • TRUE: If you want to execute the sub process.
  • FALSE: If you do not want to execute the sub-process.


The parameters sent to the process instance.


The changed message map of the process instance.


The date when the Message Map of the process instance was last modified.

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Debugging Processes at Runtime
Debugging a Business Process Model